
Showing posts from May, 2014


Change The word change has quite the connotation since the Obama administration began in 2008, doesn’t it? Sure there are good changes, but I venture that a lot of people define “change” the same way that they define “New Year’s Resolution”. By this I mean that you formulate an idea and attempt to implement it, only to eventually fall back into old habits. A schoolteacher talks about changing her lesson plans to be more creative and exciting; after several weeks of planning she falls back into the same routine. A former high school athlete tells his wife and kids that he’s going to get back in shape by going to the gym – and he does for a couple weeks, until his favorite television show comes back on. I’m sure that you can come up with several more examples. Why does change so often fail? Because we are afraid of being uncomfortable . Think about it – humans are creatures of routine. We sleep at night. We wake up and go to school/work. We come home, eat, and socialize with our f