
Showing posts from October, 2017

Grindstone 2017 Race Report

I’m not a huge fan of Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” books/movies (yes I know I’m not a real nerd - don’t tell my roommates) but I love the line Boromir makes: “One does not simply walk into Mordor”. If you’re a fan of memes, you’ve probably seen it around Facebook and other websites. Well I made my own version of the meme. As you would figure, running 100 miles is a little more challenging than running a local 5k. It takes a little more preparation, resolve, and especially time and money. But first I had to make the decision to run 100 miles. I remember a conversation in January or February 2016. I was running along the winter loop, talking to Anna Evans about local races. I told her my plans to do the Lynchburg Ultra Series (LUS) and she shared her experience with the Beast Series. (For those unaware: the LUS is 4 ultramarathons while the Beast is 6 ultramarathons, including Grindstone 100-Miler and Hellgate 100k, a race that starts at 12:01 am in December). I remembe