
Showing posts from December, 2015

Sea Kayaking!

As part of our OLD School semester, we kayaked for a week in the waters surrounding Everglades National Park. This is always a highlight due to the warm weather (70 degrees in November!) and natural beauty of the area. This semester was no different. We had a great time; it was a welcome change of pace after caving in Alabama. The majority of the time the weather was great; sunny, few clouds, and manageable wind. One day my pod (group of kayakers) crossed a long section of open water. Shortly after we started, the wind picked up and the waves became fairly choppy. We put our heads down and continued, facing the waves and wind. Worse yet, the current had recently changed and worked against us. The situation was not looking promising. Our pod's skill level was fairly high. We didn’t have any professional kayakers, but most of them could hold their own. There was one weak link in our pod; a female student I’ll call Wilma. Wilma was a weak paddler. This problem was compo

Emiliano & Me

From December 3 to December 10, a team from Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters went to Orphanage Emmanuel in Guaimaca, Honduras. I wanted to share pictures with you. I didn't take many. What you'll see is that I took most of the pictures with my sponsor child, Emiliano Noe. For $35, you can sponsor a child too! Atlanta Airport. Excuse my eyes, I had stayed up all night. Noe devoured his cookies He needed a cup for his "fresca". Smile, Noe! Cheese! I mean, queso! How most days went. I was the human jungle gym. Thumbs up for everybody who supported! God Bless, Jeremy

Walk to the Cross

Hello! I was given the awesome opportunity to act in my church's Good Friday "Walk to the Cross". I was approached at Clayhouse Alliance Church by some elders to see if I was interested in being a part of the production as the repentant sinner. I had some doubts as I'm a TERRIBLE  actor, but it was only a handful of lines. The main challenge, they told me, was physical as we sinners would be in a towel right at nightfall. I agreed and didn't think about it much until the day before. At this point in my life, I did not have a vehicle. My truck's transmission gave out and I was still car shopping. I used the city bus, but it did not run that late nor did it run that far out of town. A friend picked me up (ask me about the story!) and I got there a couple minutes late. When I walked in, I was greeted with a surprise. "You're going to play Jesus", Pastor Danny told me. Being as I had a beard, I was assigned the role. I immediately thought of th

Where to Next?

I get the same question when I talk to people who haven’t seen me in a while. It is, “So… how is Colorado/North Carolina/Virginia/Ohio?” And to be fair, I have been transient these past few years. Let’s recap: May 2013: Graduated from Liberty University. Go Flames! May – September 2013: Lived in Norwalk, OH. Worked at Applebee’s. September – December 2013: Lived in Andrews, NC. Student in the Outdoor Leadership and Discipleship (OLD) School program. Semester included travel to: North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and Honduras. January – June 2014: Lived in Lynchburg, VA. Taught mathematics at E.C. Glass High School, worked weekends at Applebee’s. June – August 2014: Lived in Fayetteville, NC. Worked at Rockfish Camp & Retreat Center. August 2014 – May 2015: Lived in Colorado Springs, CO. Taught mathematics at Sierra High School. May – August 2015: Lived in Fayetteville, NC. Worked at Rockfish Camp & Retreat Center. August – December 2015: Lived in An