
Showing posts from October, 2014

Days of Future Past – An Allegory for the Christian Faith?

Movie Poster for X-Men: Days of Future Past I love the X-Men series. I saw the newest movie, Days of Future Past, twice in theaters. While watching the movie for the second time, I began a working theory: that the young 1970's Charles Xavier is a young man who is close to dedicating his life to Christ. In this way, the events of the movie are an allegory for the trials and sufferings of a newfound Christian. Allow me to further explain. I don’t have the time to relay the whole plot but I will explain pertinent events as they happen. In the beginning of the movie, present-day Xavier forms a plan to alter the current mutant massacre by changing the past. With the course of events changed, the subsequent years would turn out differently and result in a brighter future. By default, Wolverine must be the mutant who travels back in time (because of his healing factor). Wolverine’s goal is to unite the 1970’s incarnations of Xavier and Magneto to stop the assassination of Bolivar

Life Lessons... at Hooters?!

“Like father, like son” is how the saying goes. If you truly know me, you know that the saying has a very direct application in my life. From our physical characteristics to our genotype, I am a lot like my father. One specific way that I am like my father is with finances. We both believe in the “less is more” strategy. We like to conserve money wherever possible – wearing more layers to keep the heat off in the winter, frequenting yard sales and the local Good Will, and buying food in bulk are several examples. In fact, last year I had my heating bill well under $30 for several months during the winter months. Being conservative with my money has led me to apply to several restaurant email clubs. A perk to joining these clubs is that they usually send you free food around your birthday. Seeing as last week was my birthday, I received several great offers. I have already been to Black Bear Diner (a local place here in the Springs) for free pancakes, Ruby Tuesday for a free burger