What is a BHAG? It is a B ig H airy A udacious G oal I form BHAGs and I'm persistent (or stubborn? headstrong?) enough to keep working at them. I draw my motivation from the legendary Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Read about her here . She says "If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough" Here's Ellen Johnson Sirleaf looking at me thinking, "Don't you dare give up on those BHAGs!" Sidenote: Her quotation also can be heard in the song Dreams by Life of Dillon. As some of you know I am a (slight) Steve "Pre" Prefontaine fan. Here is a quotation he made famous, reminding me to always pursue my goals. You can have BHAGs in all areas of life. Don’t make them easily attainable goals. Make them something you will really have to WORK for. I will list my 2018 BHAGs for running below: 5k: Break 18:50 (Overall PR: 19:06. 2017 PR: 19:31) 10k: Break 40:00 (Overall PR: Unknown. 2017 PR: 4